Analytics Roadmap Implementation

Analytics Roadmap Implementation

Analytics Roadmap Implementation

Companies face problems developing an analytics infrastructure in-house. The journey from setup, proof of concept, implementation to widespread company use is often lengthy and companies do not have the necessary expertise in-house. Our analytics roadmap implementation services help our clients to:

  • Collaboratively develop a analytics roadmap with key analytical requirements for infrastructure, capabilities, expertise, toolkit and a phased timeline for implementation. Key stakeholders, business units and change management programs are also defined.
  • Assist clients in rapidly getting the proposed roadmap implemented. We bring the necessary technical expertise to develop sophistical analytical models and modules. Early success allows client organizations to gain trust for the proposed analytical roadmap facilitating more complex change management requirements
  • Our dedicated Cloud solutions allow clients to accelerate proof of concept development. Our secure environment is highly scalable and contain all the analytical software required for proof of concept development. Our server infrastructure can support both Windows and Linux installations and allow clients to run analytics in-memory and using massively parallel processing (MPP) techniques. Our partnership with SAS allows us our clients to quickly evaluate and implement the solutions. This allows clients to test the solutions in real life scenarios before making significant capital investments in infrastructure and resources. Even in cases where there is already significant analytics infrastructure (like many of our Fortune top 100 clients) it still helped them by having a separate analytics sandbox for test cases and validations before touching any business critical processes for company wide implementation.